Giving Thanks to GOD this week for ..............
4342 Monday ~~~For this day !!!
4343 For a three day weekend , I get to clean my house today and love the clean smell that comes from cleaning with pine sol, Lysol, Clorox ,409 lemon and the many others I use
4344 For Praying while cleaning that GOD would show me or the other two just what is wrong
with a area in our lives ..............................Thank you GOD that you hear this child as she cries out to you in prayer knowing that you will answer right on time !!!
4345 For my husband and how he loves me even on days when I know I am unlovable
4346 Thankful that when I asked him did he want to join in thankfulness he said ok
4347 Thankful for study time this afternoon
Chuck beginning of thankfulness
1. For being alive, that GOD allowed me to wake up this morning
2. For our home = I have a shelter
3. I have a wife that loves me
4348 Tuesday ~~for this day !!!
4349 Praying as I drive around on a work project
4350 That we received our pay checks
4351 Studying some in the last day of our fruits of the spirit
4352 For left overs
Tuesday Chuck is thankful for
4 Rain
5 Again I am thankful for Life
Wednesday ~~~For this day !!!
4353 Thankful for my morning coffee and that I beat my husband up to bring him a cup of coffee
4354 That my pantry and Fridge are full
4355 Thankful that I saw my tire was almost flat before I left for work tonight as it would have been dark and no where to fix it when we leave late ....thank you JESUS for allowing me to see this and taking car of me
Wednesday Chuck is thankful for
6 Food
7 Warm showers
8 Another day GOD gave me on this earth
4356 Thursday ~~For this day !!!
4357 For the heater Lisa's mom let us borrow at work
4358 For wearing 2 pair of paints knowing I would be cold with no heat
4359 Lisa getting lunch
4360 For our last night of bible study . ...our last night until after the new year
4361 For Lisa letting chuck have leftovers
4362 For bruised toes from the study of fruits of the spirit ~~ thank you Lord for speaking to me Thur your word and this study the many things I learned
4363 For a garage to keep frost off our cars
Thursday Chuck is thankful for
9. A new day from GOD I think him for it each day
4364 Friday ~~for this day !!!
4365 Thankful for the card and gift Aunt Jean sent she is precious to us
4366 Thankful that with no heat at work I stayed warm Lisa Leting me have the heater
4367 Saturday ~~for this day !!!
4368 Thankful that GOD knows my heart early of the morning when I wake up and I am not a morning person
4369 For the I love you and call me later if you have time ~~~
4370 Sunday ~~for this day !!!
4371 That our church did 58 shoe boxes for operation Christmas child
Lord bless each child that receives not only our 58 boxes but other boxes that they would
feel the LOVE and come to know you
4372 That I was asked to teach Sunday School next Sunday
4373 For my husband and I enjoying the day together shopping for our thanksgiving dinner
Thank you Lord for the many many blessings of life and that Chuck did a few days on this week
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