Giving Thanks to GOD this week for .... trying to count the
Endless Blessings from GOD ...............................
6293 Monday ~~For this day!!!
6294 Having the day off to go with my husband to the Dr.also for our safety in travels
6295 For Payday ...I know that I serve a GOD of more than enough
6296 For some quite time and devotional
6297 Tuesday ~~For this day !!! the coffee that awaits me when I wake
6298 Laughs about Fillmore ....laughter is good for the soul ...
6299 Wednesday ~~For this day !!! For the air I breath , the sunshine I see
the love I feel ,
6300 Thursday ~~For this day !!! Thanksgiving day
6301 For sweet memories of past thanksgivings with my wonderful and loving family
6302 For our turkey and all the other food we had today
6303 Thank you Lord for the beautiful warm, sunny day
that I got to enjoy , raking leaves, trimming roses loves days like this
how blessed I am
6304 For my husband scratching my back feels so good
6305 Friday ~~For this day !!!
6306 Blessed with another sunny day
6307 Saturday ~~For this day !!!
6308 Sunday ~~For this day !!!
6309 For Church a place to worship and feel the freedom to Praise GOD
Thank you Lord for this week of Multitudes ...................................
more than I could ever tell ................endless...................