Trying to count the multitude of blessings is like standing on the shore trying to count each grain of sand
Giving thanks To GOD this week for ................................
6429 Monday ~~For this day !!! getting up early on my day off to porch sit and enjoy the beauty of the morning, may I always see the beauty of each day and stop and say Thank you Lord !!! A much need hair cut , visiting at work after my haircut, Sis and Chelsie stopping by to visiting, for laughs for cleaning our porch , for young kids playing and laughter , getting some flowers from Lisa and Beth.
6430 Tuesday ~~For this day !!! for the beauty of another morning sitting on the porch with my loves, for mops as I spilled sugar water in the kitchen floor my little birds love this and I so love watching GOD's creation . GOD I know you have a plan for us at work and you can open doors I stand in faith knowing the you have in your hands ....those words you spoke I stand on ...hold me ........Thank you Lord
for those words.......................
6431 Wednesday ~~For this day !!! for the beauty I stopped to enjoy looking at my flowers beginning to bloom , my roses with the drops of rain ....what beauty !!!, getting off early and fixing us dinner, for 2 more pounds that I lost, for planting Iris's given to me by Lisa, riding my bike thank you Lord and for porch sitting while doing my devotional Reading in Luke and enjoying the light rain, and birds singing
6432 Thursday ~~For this day !!! trying to eat healthy thank you Lord for helping me on my healthy journey of walking, biking , exercising I know its your hand that is leading me and guiding me each step of the way ,my devotionals in quite time still reading in Luke
6433 Friday ~~For this day !!! for finally getting to sleep a day of upsets that GOD knows how to the upset and make happiness thank you Lord for helping me , for a understanding husband when I am upset,
for morning coffee, early showers, packing for my weekend in my home town to spend with family , safety to KY!!
6434 Saturday~~For this day !!! thankful that I took a sweater to keep me warm on this "blackberry winter day" that I could spend this day with family and friends, Visiting the little area my mother grew up in
Chatteroy WVa. , for safe travels today, Greta making my favorite Macaroni salad , pictures that tell the family story. visiting with cousins that were all in at my Aunt's house the laughter , the tears, the fun we have shared today and though the years for Greta sharing her flowers with me
6435 Sunday ~~For this day !!! For Sunday School and Church at my home town church thankful to see each one for Bobby Neal's leading the Sunday School. and Ken's Message . the laughter Ken Shared as he had Missy and I to stand and tell the story of his first day in Allen and what we thought (we brought the church down with laughter ~~~the bible says laughter does good like a medicine~~) my husband's love and caring for me ............................................
Lord thank you so much for this past week in days of sadness you have lifted me up to have happiness,
for safe travels for you love , mercy and grace ...........endless loves and blessings ............