Giving Thanks to GOD this week for ..............
3916 Monday ~~For this day !!!
3917 For a much needed payday
3918 Kindness of others sharing their garden
3919 I have listed this before but its such a blessing to me to have some time to pray and talk to GOD will I mow and weed eat ~~~Thank you LORD ~~~for mowers and weed eaters
3920 Tuesday~~For this day !!!
3921 That GOD will provide for his kids !!!
3922 Enjoying the day off
3923 For the new recipe Supper in a bag
3924 That I have managed to clean a much needed guest bedroom
3925 For a cool evening to enjoy outside ~~
3926 Wednesday ~~for this day !!
3927 Feeling better this A.M. THANK YOU LORD !!!
3928 Limeade from Lisa
3929 Going to our county wide revival seeing so many Church's come together
3930 Faith..............Hebrews 11:1 now faith is
3931 Thursday ~~for this day !!!
3932 For Windex
3933 My time to porch sit this evening after watering my flowers
3934 For allergy meds
3935 Friday ~~For this day !!!
3936 Bedside coffee brought to me with love .....
3937 Champion finally ate some , the love I have for this dog
3938 Saturday ~~for this day !!!
3939 For the bright sun early this morning
3940 For my sister and Lc coming to porch sit
3941 Sunday ~~for this day !!
3942 Thankful for this day of worship with my church family
3943 For a note that said thanks for the much needed company last night
(helping someone that is lonely )
3944 For porch sitting again with the same crew on a different porch
3945 Laughs about kids ...................nothing more precious
This week I thank GOD for all things of each day , for every breath that I have taken was GOD given, so many blessings from his hand that loves this ole gal ..and he calls me his own
Thank you LORD a millions thanks would still never be enough for each minute of each day that you are right there blessing me I love and Praise my Saviour !!!!
Blessings to all
Amen! Great list. Love Hebrews 11. Great passage of scripture.