About Me

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United States
First let me say that I am a born again christian and try to follow what JESUS would have me do ..I fail him daily, yet he picks me up and says try again my child !!!! knowing that he is closer to me than the air I breathe !that I am just dust designed by my Redeemer!! Remember when reading my blogs they are not wrote correct but from the heart ! I need lessons in writing correctly and making these interesting. I grew up in a small town and everyone knowing my family to come to a state with my husband that I knew almost no one I will say after 23 years its still hard ...I love to go back to KY as its where most of my family are I come from a large family of 9 me being the 9th ... Some of my interest are Genealogy , Landscaping, photography , love watching HGTV and now learning to Blog Again keep in mind all my posts are from the heart.. I love to laugh love being around good old friends and family I want enjoy each day as each day is a gift from the Master Creator !! my motto is I remain 29 forever !!!!! :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Multitudes on Mondays Week 120 Aug 20- 26 2012


                       Giving Thanks to GOD this week for

5937  Monday ~~For this day !!
5938  Thankful for a day to get some natural Vit. D
5939  Thankful to be able to mow , weed eat , water my flowers
5940  Thankful for the beauty that surrounds me ....the beauty of
GOD's nature
                                            I soaked up the day with outdoor beauty

Who can say there is no GOD !!!!
No Man can do create such beauty

5941   Tuesday ~~For this day !!! another day blessed to be able to go out to the porch
at 54 degrees with my fuzzy to keep me warm while enjoying another sunrise
5942   Getting off work to enjoy the afternoon soaking up the sun for my needed Vit. D that my husband sit out with me for awhile
5943  For Laughter .........................

5944   Wednesday ~~For this day !!! another day that I am blessed with and to go outside with my hot coffee while it is cool this  morning ...My time alone with GOD this morning praying for others
Praying that GOD would move for a dear friend of mine ..........
5945   Blessed to get to go home for lunch for 2 hours and enjoy a hour of sun ..
5946   Thankful for our little picnic of hot dogs how wonderful they taste at the park  and how we were at the right place at the right time
for two little girls that came by as we were able to supply the need for being hungry (thanks to LC for having more than enough) ......

5947   Thursday ~~For this day !!! for the blessings that GOD woke me up , was able to get up walk , have clothes, shoes, food shelter.......GOD how awesome your love for me !!! even when I am unlovable ......
5948   For another evening to deck sit as I wait on dinner to get finished ....love the outdoors that GOD has made.

5949   Friday ~~For this day !!! blessed with another morning to go out to enjoy the hummers
they flew in front of me to drink and what Joy this brings to me as I drink my morning coffee hearing those kids waiting on the bus
Praying and thanking GOD for the morning ...

5950   Saturday ~~For this day !!
5951   Thankful for three day weekends this starts my three days
5952    Thankful to get the house cleaned , laundry done

5953   Sunday ~~For this day !!!
5954    For the beauty of this day and each day this week that GOD has allowed me to
enjoy, the sunshine, the deck , my comfy lounger, those sweet little hummers ...........

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