Giving Thanks to GOD this week for
5914 Monday ~~For this day !!~~ another week GOD has blessed me with
Thank you Lord for this fresh new week as I continue to count the blessings from above .....
5915 Blessed with fresh Tea from a kind customer
5916 This day was filled with 86,400 seconds and I was blessed to enjoy each one
5917 Tuesday ~~For this day !!! Another morning to enjoy from our porch
sitting, drinking coffee with my husband and our doggy's enjoying nature
at its best
5918 I am blessed with wonderful customers today we had Chicken and Corn
brought to us for lunch
5919 Thankful to get off work early to go sit on the deck and get some
natural vitamin D ....Also during my deck sitting I have been reading in John
5920 My husband and I planting a rose its nice to have a helpful hand
5921 Wednesday ~~For this day !! to go out and enjoy a morning
before sunrise to soak up the beauty of the morning listening to Nature
5922 Bananas from Chester's dad also Lunch from Cora
5923 Ralph calling to invite us to a family cook out in a couple of weeks
I sure am thankful for my family and the love we each share
5924 Thursday ~~For this day !! another fresh morning to porch sit
a little cooler I am trying to soak up each morning on the porch as I know
it will be to cool to go out in the next few months also that second cup
of coffee on the porch
5925 Thankful for each step I take Praising GOD for touching me knee
with each step ............
5926 Taking my sister to the park to feed the ducks with her old bread which she loves to do ....
5927 Thankful for the how was your day from my husband
5928 Friday ~~For this day !!! God's daily blessings of the fresh mornings
enjoying this one outside watching it rain and the birds not minding that it is raining even in the rain the birds still sing...(I think we can learn alot from the birds they sing no matter the weather)
5928 New glasses~~ thankful that GOD has allowed Dr's. the knowledge to enable
us to see better ....
5929 Prayers being answered for Lisa''s dad that he is doing better this morning
5930 Thankful for the love that GOD gave me his flowers, birds etc. as I sure enjoyed this night outside pruning, planting more seeds
5931 Saturday ~~For this day !!! another fresh cool morning I have been given
sitting on the porch enjoying the cool morning with my coffee ,
5932 Hugs and Kisses each morning from my husband who says "Glenna I love you so much " how blessed I am with a husband to love me I know I should not take the love I have for granted ~~
5933 For my husband saying wait I will help you put the sheets on as he always helps with this
5934 Another evening to work in the flowers giving them some food to extend their blooms (my husband says its play for you not work) Play or work I sure enjoy
it and I am truly blessed ...oh I thought the humming was landing on my shoulder tonight while I was out this happened several times I pray that he or she will get close to me to stay on my shoulder or hand ......
5934 Sunday ~~For this day !! thankful again for the wake up from the master
blessed beyond measure ....
5935 Sunshine that I enjoyed on the deck before work
5936 Misty bringing me fresh garden tomatoes
Another wonderful week of Blessings Thank you Lord for all
my blessings and gifts as they are from you they are endless..............
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