Giving Thanks to GOD this week for ..............
5050 Monday ~~For this day !!!
5051 For the Job I have this morning
5052 Thankful that Lisa and I made it home safe tonight (our first snow of the winter)
5053 Prayer time on my drive home
5054 Tuesday ~~For this day !!!
5055 Safety to work this morning as our side road was covered = Thank you LORD for being the driver not only this day but all days !!!
5056 Thankful that the sun is out and melting the snow and Ice also thankful for a safe drive home
along with prayer time
5057 A thank you card from someone that truly appreciates the small gifts and considers them treasure's
5058 Wednesday ~~For this day !!!
5059 Thinking on Revelation 22 as back in the summer during prayer time outside GOD allowed me a vision
and it was of the river of life .....I am still in awww about seeing it !!! Thank you Lord for allowing this undeserving child to see this and for the sweet smell of the holy spirit that I was allowed to smell also
1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, Ezek. 47.1 · Zech. 14.8 clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
5060 Thankful that the sun melted most of our road so it wasn't so bad , thankful for safe travels each and every day !!!
5061 Thursday ~~For this day !!!
5062 Thankful that my sister went with me to the Dr today we had several good laughs , me thinking I am 29
5063 For safety today and each and every day
5064 The doctors that help us = GOD given knowledge to the Doctors
5065 Thankful that for the samples from the deli tonight :) and lc going with me
5066 Friday ~~For this day !!!
5067 A snooze button .................
5068 Thankful for this absolutely beautiful sunny warm 60 degree day even though I had to work I still am thankful for warm sunny days = a happy and thankful gal
5069 Thankful that when I got home tonight I was cleaned both bathrooms and one bedroom thank you Lord for Strength
5070 Saturday ~~For this day !!!
5071 Thankful for marrying my best friend 23 years ago today and for our journey together
5072 Thankful for the words that echo in mind from this day last year when my sweet precious brother told me of seeing JESUS and to "NEVER stop going to church and NEVER stop praying Glenna its real it wasn't a dream or a vision ...I was there "
5072 Thankful for all six of my brothers and my two sisters .......for my parents that taught us of love
5073 Thankful to take Champion to the vet today
5074 Thankful to be off to clean house even if its our anniversary
5075 Thankful that I found a Vet that was open late tonight to give me a answer as our champion was having a reaction to the meds he was given
5076 Thankful that walmart is open 24 hours to get champion benadryl
5077 Thankful for clean sheets so soft and smells so good
5077 Sunday ~~for this day !!!
5078 For that first cup of coffee
5079 For hot showers , blow dryers, soap, shampoo, hot rollers, hairspray etc
Wow! You are amazing with your gifts! How long have you been documenting them? Love it!