Giving Thanks to GOD this week for ..............
4499 Monday ~~For this day !!!
4500 Getting in and out of the Drs office before work
4501 I PRAISE GOD for the news that FP gave us at lunch ~~THANK YOU LORD for you blessings on me
4592 Tuesday ~~For this day !! my first gift each day from GOD !!
4993 For my fever that broke in the early am this morning
4994 For Medication and Kleenex
4995 For getting to stay home for some much needed rest
4996 Getting to watch channel 10 all day ~~love that channel
4997 Wednesday ~~For this day !!!
4998 Bedside coffee
4999 Thankful that I made it Thur the day at work
5000 Thursday ~~~For this day !!! and the five thousand others that I have had since I have started the multitudes ........Lord you are so wonderful to me !!!
5001 Thankful that my nose don't look like Rudolph today
5002 For my brother and his kindness sending me something to go shopping for someone else and that I got it finished before the rain started ~~Thank you LORD
5003 Thankful that my husband made potato soup for me again
5004 Friday ~~For this day !!!
5005 Finally getting Aunt J package mailed off
5006 Picking up some boxes for Margaret to wrap the items Santa got
5007 Aunt J's excitement over a Christmas card she treasures all things
5008 Saturday ~~For this day !!! CHRISTMAS EVE ~~
5009 For the warm sunny day thank you LORD
5010 Thankful for the shirt I am wearing today W O G G L E
5011 For the beautiful CHRISTmas eve candle light service and Communion and for the little girl that sang away in a manger so sweet
5012 For neighbors stopping by with their sweet little baby girl and their kindness , my heart broke for this young man as he told me he had lost his mother on Christmas day a few years ago
5013 Sunday ~~For this day !!! CHRSITmas the day that LOVE , True love came
down to us as the CHRIST child
5014 For Early Morning church and the beautiful singing
5015 Thankful that prayers are being answered for Baby Parker he is off the O2
5016 Thankful for my husbands mother coming to visit us today
5017 Talking with Family that live away Communications are wonderful to keep us connected
even though miles apart
Glenna, a lot of joy in this post – it made me smile. My favorite thank you's have to be the funny one – right next to the serious one. The one about your shirt – whatever woggle is, I know it makes you happy – and that makes me happy. And the next one – the candlelight service – and the girl singing sweet song for Christmas – that's the way, Christmas should be – happy – reverent – peaceful – love. God bless you Glenna.