About Me

My photo
United States
First let me say that I am a born again christian and try to follow what JESUS would have me do ..I fail him daily, yet he picks me up and says try again my child !!!! knowing that he is closer to me than the air I breathe !that I am just dust designed by my Redeemer!! Remember when reading my blogs they are not wrote correct but from the heart ! I need lessons in writing correctly and making these interesting. I grew up in a small town and everyone knowing my family to come to a state with my husband that I knew almost no one I will say after 23 years its still hard ...I love to go back to KY as its where most of my family are I come from a large family of 9 me being the 9th ... Some of my interest are Genealogy , Landscaping, photography , love watching HGTV and now learning to Blog Again keep in mind all my posts are from the heart.. I love to laugh love being around good old friends and family I want enjoy each day as each day is a gift from the Master Creator !! my motto is I remain 29 forever !!!!! :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Simple pleasure Thursday 6-30-2011

Simple Pleasure
I am so happy to be back at Simple Pleasures today
last weekend I was home for a few days
it was my brother Lloyd's birthday
while visiting I got a text
from my nephew saying
Dad wants to take you to dinner for his
What a nice brother and sister in law to
take me to dinner
for his birthday

I sure enjoyed his birthday dinner

I am joining Dayle
at Simple Pleasures
come on over to the party

Project Simple Pleasures2
                                                           May you find the simple things in life
                                                           are the Best things in life

                                                            Blessings ,

Monday, June 27, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays Week 57 June 20-26 2011


              Giving Thanks to GOD this week for ..............

3357    Monday ~~for this day !!!
3358    Being home in bed with my pillows =a good nights rest last night
3359    For the flowers that I stopped to view in my yard  before going to work

3360   That I am finding out each day just how blessed I am ...........

3361     Tuesday ~~For this day !!!
3362     Getting to the Dr very early for lab work and was able to be at work on time
3363     For songs that speak to my soul
3364     Thankful that a long time friend William cam Thur surgery OK
3365     For umbrellas

3366     Wednesday ~~for this day !!!
3367     Martin's kindness for lunch today
3368     Thankful for open windows listening to the rain 
3369      For my best  friend my husband 

3370      Thursday ~~For this day !!!
3371       For lower humidity
3372       Psalms 91
3373       Coming in from work and just resting for little bit =a comfy bed for a tired body
3374        For Maloxx and Gaviscon = makes a tummy feel better
3375        For the rainbow reminding me of the covenant

3376       Friday~~for this day !!!
3377       Nature signing early this morning
3378      The beauty that surrounds me each morning
3379       For a very busy day at work ~~Thank you LORD for your blessings on me !!!!
3380       For the new baby and momma stopping by ~~how blessed they are
3381       Planting some tomato plants my brother gave me

3382      Saturday ~~for this day !!!
3383      another day of being busy at work
3384      That God strengthens us when we feel weak
3385      For a Lady saying she will SHARE  some of her day Lillie's

3386    Sunday ~~for this day !!!
3387    A new pastor ~~~bringing a good message on Act 5
3388    That I am learning more how  PRAISE GOD for all things just as the pastor spoke in ending his sermon .
3389    Thankful for a church family
3390    A day of rest

This week I have thought would be my last week to blog multitudes but how can one stop
with so much to be thankful for and this keeps my mind set on being thankful as I need to keep thanking GOD for each day and all that is in each 1440 minutes
I thank GOD for this wonderful blessed week and each day that I have been blessed with
Multitudes has make me stop and look at the little things in life that truly are the big things
and the most precious to us ..................
May you have a blessed week


Thursday, June 23, 2011


Last night as my husband and I were in bed
with the windows open listening to the rain
my curtains began to blow

as I thought of this I told my husband
I am glad to know the maker of the wind

This was my thoughts
Wind and faith in GOD
we can feel the wind and see the effects of it
just as we can feel GOD's presence and see the evidence
of GOD in our lives
words of this song came to mind ,
 I can feel His sweet Holy Spirit, a dwelling deep within,
sometimes its so gentle and sometimes its like
a mighty rushing wind

I am so glad to know that presence in my life
I pray others will see this presence in my life
each day 

Wishing you a spirit filled day

Hearts for home ~~joining for the first time today 6 23 2011

                               I am joining Gae at hearts for home today for the first time
                                 This below is what Gae ask us to do each week
("In my weekly 'Hearts for Home' post I am encouraging myself and others to commit to thinking about what 4-6 things we can do each week to bring our thoughts, prayers and actions to keeping our 'Hearts for Home'.)
I began to think of the 4 -6  things I could do this week
here are the things I will try to do
  1. I work until 6 pm each night other than Sunday , I am going to try to keep the laundry folded and put away . ( I am good about doing laundry but not good about putting it away )
  2. Try to spend more time in the word(I am such a slacker in studying the word Forgive me Father) and also I will pray for the bloggers on this site
  3. Each person that I come in contact with  ~~to encourage them ~~its so meaningful to do this
  4. Thank my husband for the little things he does each week ~~wash dishes  etc
  5. Finish spring or now summer cleaning our bedroom
  6. Pray for the new pastor we will have this Sunday

You can link of with Heart of home by clicking below

Cherished Hearts Blog Button 2


Happy to join heart of home today

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Witness at the Races

This past weekend our family was together enjoying the time together of sharing , laughing, just as most family's do when they get together.
My nephew was telling about a gentleman we all knew that had began racing and wanted my nephew to help out, My nephew said he thought there is no way as I am so busy that I have  no time for this as much as I love racing (due to his job being self employed he stays so busy) . His girlfriend said there must be a reason for this and told him she thought he should do it .  He then tells of that first night he was at the races  they had  the gentlemans his shiny red Porsche down at the area for the race and a young man comes up he looked like he had spent his last five dollars to get in the gate, he asked if he could just look at the car , the owner of the car says son get in there sit down and look all you want.

The young man gets out after looking and says sir this is a pretty awesome car you have , the owner of the car said son that necklace you have around your neck is pretty awesome too.

  My nephew said it looked like a dime store cross necklace, when the owner of the car said this to the young man his face changed to a radiant glow .
We can witness in many ways and as the owner of the car told the young man what he had  (the Cross)was more awesome
My nephew said it brought him to tears that night and did again as he was telling it and he said he knew it wasn't about money and how much you had but how you can change someones life just by the simplest of  things My nephew said this changed him that night and now he had his answer he would take the time to help when he can  ......
I am sure this young man will remember how the owner thought his necklace was something awesome too ......

I pray that I will Witness or encourage someone today


This week in my garden June 21 2011

I am joining this week in my Garden
you to can link up with us and show off your
garden  by clicking on the above link
Walking out this morning I was greeting by this first
daylillies of summer

                                       Along with the purple Oxalis also known as Shamrock.  It is very low maintenance and doesn't require a lot of watering.  You can neglect it for a week and it will still put on a show.  I love the light purple  flowers over dark purple leaves.  This is a tough plant and it doesn't stop blooming.  . This plant I called Greta as my cousin mailed me the bulbs this year .
                                                     another day lilly yellow shasta

                                          Love those dew kissed flowers .......
                                                  My hosta  was showing its face this morning also
As you walk Thur the gardens today may you be filled with GOD's Blessings

Monday, June 20, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays Week 56 June 13-19-2011


3423     Monday ~~for this day , a new day , a new week !!
3424     The cool morning to porch sit before work and sunrise
3425     A busy day at work
3426     A restful evening = thankful for bed and pillows

Loved this thought for the day ~~~Sit quietly and picture yourself being held tenderly by God.

3427    Tuesday~~for this day !!!
3428    Thankful for my talk with Gaye
3429    Seeing pink balloons on a neighbors mail box = new birth

3430    Wednesday ~~for this day !!
3431    For much needed rain
3432    For that cool feeling after a summer rain
3433    For sitting here eating a wonderful salad Cora made ~~~thank you Cora

3434    Thursday ~~~for this day !!!
3435    The smell of downy on the air  as I was walking out = love that fresh smell outside when someones dryer is running
3436     For some days off to go to Ky .......
3437     Thankful for arrival in KY
3438      Loving welcoming hugs
3439      Going out to eat at billy rays
3440      enjoying family talks, laughter
3441      For Brad telling me a wonderful touching experience he had witnessed

3442     Friday~~for this day!!
3443     being the first one up  to enjoy some time alone
3444     visiting with Lowell and Karen
3345     Lloyd and Penny taking me out for Dinner and the time we shared together
3346     Family laughter

3347    Saturday ~~for this day !!
3348    Leaving early for South Shore to enjoy our family get together
3349    For the pictures Gloria made for me
3350    For safe travels
3351    For another night of family laughs = I am happy

3352    Sunday ~~for this day !!!! Fathers day I am so thankful for the dad that I had he has been in heaven 35 years celebrating with his earthly father and his heavenly father .
3353    Getting ready to leave early
3354    Safe travels home
3355    For my husband on the porch waiting on me when I pulled in
3356    For calls telling others we are home safe Thur all the storms ~~Thank you Lord ~~~

Blessings to all

Monday, June 13, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays week 55 June 6-12 2011


                         Fifty Five weeks of thankfulness oh how this has changed me !!!
                         Thank you Lord for the blessings I have mentioned and the ones
                         I know I may have forgot.
                         Thank you Lord for your blessings on me

3390      Monday ~~for this day !!!
3391      My third day off in a roll
3392     To porch sit and enjoy my fresh mulched landscape ~~I just cant thank GOD enough for this!!!!
3393     That I have  got my living room/dinning room spring cleaned , walls washed , curtains washed , windows cleaner = the smell of clean.
3394      Thankful for another praying porch sitting evening

3395     Tuesday ~~~for this day !!!
3396      For dental hygienist = I have clean teeth today
3397      For Dental Ins
3398      For Gospel Radio on my way to and from the dentist =I can sing loud and no one but GOD hears me
3399     For watering my flowers and a evening a quiet rest

3400     Wednesday ~~ for this day !!!
3401     For blessings of the early morning sunrises
3402     For Knowing GOD is in control in our concerns for a long time friend
3403     For the long talk with Lucy

3404    Thursday~~for this day another beautiful day that GOD has given
3405     Breakfast out on the deck 
3405     Thankful for my morning out on the deck for prayer time ........................
3406     For our lunch today LC brought
3407     For the bike and trying to ride it .....
3408     To hear that Betty is some better ~~Thank you Lord

3409     Friday ~~for this day !!!
3410     For Remembering the words my husband said to me last night "I cherish you more than you know "..............
3411      Music as it speaks to my soul !!!

3412     Saturday ~~for this day !!!
3413     Watering my flowers before sunrise
3414     Getting to my car just in time before the rain came down, also for the much needed rain
3415     Getting to talk to Betty this morning ~~

3416     Sunday~~ for this day !!!
3417     Text from my cousin
3418     Having a very restful day
3419     Learning to make home made biscuits
3420     The book of James
3421     The sun beaming Thur the clouds Reminding me of the song Heavenly sunlight
3422      Seeing Kids playing , having fun

Blessings to all


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Simple Pleasure Thursdays 6-09-2011

My Simple Pleasure this week is a follow up from one a little bit back my flowers as I love to work in them
and I now have a few of the completed area of the front yard .
                                              Angels, Moss Roses and a small wind chime

                                                      Mulch is finished in front

                                            The above is me working ...:)
                                         One of my roses in bloom
                                           Cute little cup with moss roses( had  the saucer a storm broke it )
                                             Markham Clematis
                                         Lantana, My angel , stepping stone that says GOD bless this house
                                         and a solar light to shine
Yes I celebrate .....the new life of spring
the front yard is finished  and can enjoy porch sitting
watching the flowers grow

I am joining Dayle at Simple Pleasures today
come on over and join us
with your simple pleasure

Project Simple Pleasures2

                                                    May you too enjoy life's simple pleasures


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This week in my garden

I am joining this week in my Garden
you to can link up with us and show off your
First off let me say I wasn't prepared for joining as I just found this site
and happened to have took some pictures this morning
however no close ones
I do want to share some of the beauty
that GOD has allowed me to enjoy
I thank him for the beauty that surrounds us

                                                    Good morning from my rose
                                                                   Moss Roses
                                                               Spilled impatiants

and the last one Million bells in my country
wash tub
Next week I will do better as I will have some close ups and hope
I have more flowers blooming
Thanks for allowing me to show some of my
flowers to each of you
Many blessings to each

Monday, June 6, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays week 54 May 30-June 5 2011


3345    Monday ~~for this day !!!
3346     Thankful for the ones that have fought for our freedoms
3347     Thankful for getting off work at 3
3348     Thankful for Lisa coming to help me move some things
3349      For getting the porch water sealed
3350      For sweat from working outside
3351      For Ice water after the work
3352      For my neighbor walking over for a visit as I cooled off
3353      For cool showers and AC

3354      Tuesday ~~for this day !!!
3355      For V bringing our checks = thankful for payday
3356      For LC bringing a great lunch
3357      For mowing and weed eating ~~love it ~~
3358      For prayer time with GOD during mowing and for singing as no one can hear me so I can sing loud
3359      For knowing that heaven is REAL and telling my niece that yes it is REAL

3360     Wednesday ~~~for the gift of this day !!!!
3361     Breakfast outside on the deck
3362     Morning Kisses from my husband
3363     Is. 58:10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday ~~
3364     Getting everything back on my porch = I got to porch sit some = I am blessed

3365      Thursday ~~for this day ~~~its GOD given and may I always be thankful for each day !!!
3366       Porch sitting with my husband with our morning coffee watching the sunrise and our birds
3367       These words have I heard over and over in my head .....I had to find the chours to the song
Oh Lord I am so Happy since I 've learned to pray , I started for heaven I'm well on my way , I have chosen the right way with the Lords faithful few I started for heaven and I mean to go Thur ...........................
3368       Love what a blogger said today to me ~~~Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places~~~~ love what she said
3369        Thankful for Simple Pleasures as it has made me look at the little things in life in a new way 
3370         For a neighbors text wanting to know about the sunrise each morning

3371       Friday ~~~ for this day !!!
3372       Early morning porch sitting ~~  seeing nature at its best ~~ the birds, squirrels   
3373       Missy coming to visit and getting lunch for us
3374       For a busy day at work ~~If you read this please pray that we would stay busy with
our work that we do ....
3375       Thankful that I know the GOD of more than enough !!!
3376       Thankful to get shrubs trimmed and some of the mulch down ~~Thank you LORD for blessing me with this yard ...as the LORD know how much I love this
3377        Cooling off at dark on the porch ~~love it

3378     Saturday ~~~for this day !!!
3379     A day off --leading to a three day weekend
3380     My husband fixing the hose keeper
3381     Breakfast with my husband ~~that I wasn't prepared for seeing anyone ....oh well call me
Elner Shimfissel ....:)
3382     Thank you Lord for allowing me  to finish the landscaping tonight ..
3383      For water hose to water my flowers and me
3384      For porch prayer time ........in the quietness of the late evening surrounded by GODs beauty just me and GOD !!

3385    Sunday ~~for this day !!
3386    The gentle breeze of this morning while enjoying nature as GOD has so richly blessed us with
3387    For breakfast on the deck
3388    For my church family
3389    For our church reaching out with the mission house , thankful that we have outgrown the old house and will be building a new one to serve the many that are in need of food ..............Our mission to serve others .....may those that come find the Lord with they don't know him is my prayer

Thanks be to GOD that he has given me all these gifts , each week ,
When I look back on these 54 weeks how amazing and how blessed
I am ...THANK YOU LORD for all your blessings on me ~~Amen~~

Blessings to each of you

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Simple Pleasure Thursdays June 2 2011

This morning I already have a had a great morning , I got up and got ready for work and decided to take
My breakfast outside . 
Having breakfast outside with my wonderful coffee early makes for a great morning
nothing like being outside , loving nature and the beauty that surrounds me
the sunrise coming up this morning Thur the trees, shining down on me this early morning while the dew is
still on everything . 
(I forgot about the dew and sit in a dew cover chair but that didn't spoil this wonderful
pleasure .)
My back yard that I mowed last night love my view .
I also had company for breakfast our outside dog

Breakfast outside rocks !!!!

I truly loved this simple pleasure that GOD
allowed me to enjoy early this morning
Thank you GOD for your blessings on me

I am linking up with Dayle at Simple Pleasures

Project Simple Pleasures2

                                                       May you too enjoy life's simple pleasures
