I know everyone thinks there mother is the greatest , I am right there with the rest
I know mine was a true gift from GOD and she was the greatest , my best friend
I always heard that your mother was your best friend and its so true you know if
you go to her and what ever you tell her that's where it stays
A Godly mother one that from my childhood up teaching me, molding me
To always put GOD first in your life and everything else will work out .
I was the last of nine kids so I figure she knew what she was doing
by the time she got me .I really know she knew what she was doing with the first one
I used to hear her at night kneeling beside her bed praying and asking
GOD save my children and GOD has answered her prayers all of her children
are saved and active in their churches, from Deacons, Sunday School teachers, Choir members,
some sing in a local gospel group. She didn't live to see her prayers answered but I sure it made news in heaven as each one was saved. Today at Church my brother that she didn't get to see saved prayed the most beautiful prayer as it brought me to tears ...
This is my mothers twenty fifth year in heaven , since last Mothers day she has two of her sons with her
bet they are going to have a grand time with her this mothers day.
There is a song by the Crabb family called I sure do miss you , the words to this song are so beautiful and true
If life could only bring again, the days I took for granted when
To hear your voice was just a call away
Oh what I'd give for just some time, to say the things that slipped my mind
There's so much now I'd really like to say
But I can never go back when we did the things we did back then
I'll store those precious memories in my mind
I'll take what you've instilled in me; I'll try to be all I can be
And walk the path that you have left behind
I sure miss you; life will never be the same with you not here
Each passing day has brought much pain
But with God's grace my strength remains
I sure miss you, but heaven's sweeter with you there
Verse II
The little things that seemed so small are now gold in a memory vault
I cherish every one I have of you
Now I can see and recognize the part you played to shape my life
I often see you in the things I do
In God's design and master plan He saw the hurting hearts of man
As we would say goodbye to those so dear
So with our family and friends we'll be together once again
We'll view all heaven's splendor hand in hand
I'll store those precious memories in my mind
I'll take what you've instilled in me; I'll try to be all I can be
And walk the path that you have left behind
Happy Mothers day in heaven
About Me

- Kay K
- United States
- First let me say that I am a born again christian and try to follow what JESUS would have me do ..I fail him daily, yet he picks me up and says try again my child !!!! knowing that he is closer to me than the air I breathe !that I am just dust designed by my Redeemer!! Remember when reading my blogs they are not wrote correct but from the heart ! I need lessons in writing correctly and making these interesting. I grew up in a small town and everyone knowing my family to come to a state with my husband that I knew almost no one I will say after 23 years its still hard ...I love to go back to KY as its where most of my family are I come from a large family of 9 me being the 9th ... Some of my interest are Genealogy , Landscaping, photography , love watching HGTV and now learning to Blog Again keep in mind all my posts are from the heart.. I love to laugh love being around good old friends and family I want enjoy each day as each day is a gift from the Master Creator !! my motto is I remain 29 forever !!!!! :)
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