991 Monday~~Labor day~~for this extra day of rest
992 Breakfast with Chuck @ Lee's
993 Chuck taking me to my favorite Greenhouse to get fall flowers
993 Thankful to bath Champie again
994 Working outside with my flowers
995 Tuesday~~ Thank you LORD for waking me this morning
996 Thankful for the many flower pots I got at a great deal !!!
997 For A CHRISTmas present I purchased for someone today
998 Enjoying my evening outside planting, weeding,watering the flowers
also watching the birds ...Thank you LORD for allowing me to plant, water, weed and feed the Flowers and birds ...

999 Wednesday~~Blessed to wake early to thunder and rain which is much needed
In the rain this morning the hummer was showing himself how awesome for him to sit for me to enjoy !!! How blessed I am THANK YOU LORD

1000 THANKFUL for the Simplicity of CHRIST !!!!For that Child like faith !!
for reaching one thousand blessings in this day !!
1001 For an evening of praying and weeding ...
1002 For thanking GOD while weeding that I know he has to do alot of pulling those bad weeds out of me so Thankful that he forgives me !!
1003 Thankful that my brother was feeling better tonight.
1004 Thursday~~Thankful for LOVE
1005 For Getting my hair trimmed and hi lighted
1006 For our new bible study starting tonight !!
1007 Thankful..that GOD is who he is , GOD can do what he says he can, I am what GOD says I am , I can do all things thought CHRIST, GOD is alive and active in my life !!
1008 Thankful for the Blue cord that reminds me of his commandments Numbers 15 :38 and 39
1009 Friday~~Thankful for being out on the porch before sunrise and to watch it come up

1010 Thankful on my way to work I can see the sun shine though the clouds

1011 Thankful for Friday night Dinner with Chuck
1012 Thankful for the laughs as Chuck was dancing to some of his Rock music !!!
Laughter is good he so cracked me up !!
1013 Thankful for the time I spent studying the bible Quiet time well spent !!!
1014 Saturday~~Thankful for waking up to hear thunder and rain sounds so good and we so need it !!!
1015 Thankful for Breakfast with Chuck at the H.H.
1016 Thankful for going to KY to see family ...I am so blessed to have a wonderful loving family .= we had parents that showed us love and taught us to Love ....
1017 Thankful for the being awake almost all night as this gave me time to pray ..
1018 Sunday~~Morning Coffee that was so good having it with family (even if I made it like see Thur water as they called it )
1019 For Sunday school and Church at the church I grew up in !!
1020 Thankful that I got out of the boat during church service as I was lead to pray for a lady that had gotten sick in church (let me say this Its not me that can do this as this was way out of my comfort area as I had prayed for her in my seat but GOD wanted more from me than just sitting in the church pew praying exercising my faith as in the getting out of the boat the the picture below says it all looking out from the boat the water is beautiful to get the feel of the water you must be in it treading or swimming)

1021 I was to thankful that most of my family Got to have lunch together after church.
1022 That we got to go to the burg and Lc at least go to see the home of the smashburger
1023 Thankful to see some friends at Dairy cheer in the burg
1024 For Nancy having me some blue Mondays
1025 for some Time at Nancy's with the girls and Nancy telling us she would still be getting her birthday present from Dave he had it ordered ...never forgetting anything in all those years makes me cry for the love he had and missing him as I sat to hear this
1026 Nancy saying GOD's still good ......Aw-some faith ...Awsome GOD
1027 For a Safe trip home ....
1028 for my husband being there with the door open waiting for his hug and saying Champ and I missed you !!
1029 Thankful for what as it is GOD given !!!
1030 For studying a few minutes on our ladies bible study.
You made me want Dairy Cheer.....oh NO!!
ReplyDelete1006,1021 &1022 Thanks for letting me share in all of those things...So many of my blessing this past week was because of your kindness.