Giving Thanks to GOD this week for ..........
5310 Monday ~~for this day !!
5311 For morning coffee brought to me with loving hugs and kisses ~~thank you LORD for you blessings of a loving husband
5312 Thankful that my sister and brother in law could deliver needed items to those who
where in desperate need also for so many that give of their time, money For caring people
5313 Tuesday ~~For this day !!
5314 Thank you Lord for this beautiful sunny day that you have allowed me to see
5315 Thank you LORD for keeping us safe when my husband truck hood latch came up
and for keeping him safe outside beside the road
5316 Thankful for the good deals at Aldi
5317 Thankful for Lisa coming to my rescue when I thought I had my purse
5318 Wednesday ~~For this day !!!
5319 The dr being able to work me in today
5320 That my husband drove me to the doc
5321 Safety today in traveling
5322 Thankful to have dinner together
5323 Thursday ~~For this day !!!
5324 For my husband caring so much about me , also that he brings me coffee to my bedside each morning the love that come with this I know his heart is one that loves
5325 For the book I shared with a pastor today and also shared the sweetness of the HOLY SPIRIT the sweet sweet smell
5326 For working late to help a customer
5327 For microwaves
5328 Friday ~~For this day !!
5329 Thankful for Beth being such a asset to our work
5330 For no greater love than the LOVE of CHRIST and that he loves me
5331 for people that will pray when others are in need , I know alot is said about facebook
but it is also a channel to ask others for prayer as I see this daily
5332 For going to the grocery store and getting some good bargins
5333 Saturday ~~For this day !!
5334 A weekend off
5335 That I got all but two bedrooms cleaned today
5336 That as I clean I can pray and talk to CHRIST
5337 Thankful to go out and cut back my Roses
5338 Thankful for talking with some dear friends that are in need of some things and
praying for them ...Anyone who reads this please pray for these dear friends GOD knoes what they are in need of
5339 Thank you LORD for this beautiful sunny day !!
5340 Sunday ~~For this day !!!
5341 For the morning sun shinning so brightly lighting up our home
5342 That I made it to church on time
5343 For the afternoon at the park
5344 For the song Lord of the Dance we sang this morning love it ~~Made me want to DaNcE for the Lord ~~~~~
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