Giving Thanks to GOD this week for ..........
5286 Monday ~~For this day !!! Thanks be to GOD that he allowed me to wake up this morning
5287 For my little yellow witness bracelet that says Heaven is for real !! and you are going to like it
5288 Learning things from a new employee
5289 For being able to purchase more sheets
5290 Tuesday ~~For this day !!!
5291 A beautiful day the sunshine , warm weather thank you LORD
5292 My husband coming by to get me to take our baby dog to get his nails done such a sweet baby he is
5293 Getting outside to get my hands in some potting soil as I have now planted some seed
LORD thank you for the seeds that produce more to share with others I pray they grow and I can share the Hibiscus
5294 For fixing supper for us with enough to take for our lunch tomorrow
5295 Thankful for being taught to share ....what wonderful parents I had Thank you LORD for allowing me to have them
5296 For my devotional that talked about planting seeds ................seeds for the kingdom
some are planters, some are waters, some reap we all have different jobs for the kingdom
Thank you LORD for your many, many blessings for this day
5297 Thursday ~~For this day !! my two brothers birthday and a beautiful one sunny 70's
5298 That I could get down in the floor and clean out a ton of junk papers (trying not to be hoarders)
5299 For Lisa's help in starting the fire
5300 For enjoying my day off !!!
5301 Friday ~~For this day !!!
5302 For safety in all the storms this day GOD thank you for your Protection
5303 For left over Pizza that work provided
5304 For text messages to family during the storm
5305 Saturday ~~For this day !!!
5306 For the sunny skies today and no rain
5307 For having the money to sit down and pay our bills ~~I am blessed ~~
5308 Sunday ~~For this day !!!
5309 For listening to Preachers on TV this morning and on the radio at work today
5310 For reading how generous people are in giving to others dueing the recent storms
Glenna, I hearted your list – simple, purple, real. And my favorite from it was – somewhere in the 5000s– I forget :) – but the one about planting seeds. I worry sometimes when I'm talking to people that I don't "close" the gospel – that all I do is tell them about God – or live God – but I don't close the deal – and those verses remind me that planting the seed is important – everything you said you were thankful for about those verses – I am too. Thank you Glenna, and God bless and keep you!