Giving Thanks to GOD this week for ..............
3721 Monday~~for this day !!
3722 Freedom ~~ all of our freedoms came with a great price !!
3723 Going out to breakfast with my husband
3724 Getting our bedroom Painted ~~THANK YOU LORD for your blessings on me
3725 For the kindness of Lisa taking time out of her day off to help move some furniture
3726 Tamsey coming to have dinner with us
3727 Tuesday ~~~for this day !!
3728 For the beautiful sunrise this morning while porch sitting and drinking my coffee
3729 For the life Helena lived knowing this day she is with the one she served for many years
blessed to have had her in my life ................
3730 Thankful for the much needed rain tonight = a time of no tv, just talking to my husband
3731 Wednesday~~for this day !!!
3732 My sister in law sending me a video of her singing ..
3733 GOD measure's the heart .......1 Samuel 16.7
3734 Much needed rain
3735 Thursday ~~~For this day !!!!
3736 Getting clothes folded before work and a load of laundry done
3737 Friday~~~for this day !!!!
3738 Getting to KY early to visit with family before the funeral of a wonderful Christian lady that has meant a lot to me in my life .
3739 The service fitting her live to a tee....she had a ZEST for life and enjoyed every minute of it
3740 Safe travels to KY and back this day
3741 My bed to lay down in as I got home from a long drive in one day that GOD keep his hand on us
3742 A message from a friend that said she prayed for our safety in traveling as the weather was bad there
3743 For public restrooms along our route
3744 Saturday ~~~for this day !!!
3745 Coffee on our porch
3746 A wonderful restful nights sleep
3747 1 John 4:19
3748 Sunday ~~For this day !!!
3749 To Worship with my church family
3750 The message "we must tell them " =I must be that witness to others
3751 A day with my husband out on a Sunday afternoon drive and dinner
Joining you from Multitudes on Mondays. Thanks for sharing you list. I love 3750.