Giving Thanks to GOD this week for ..............
3752 Monday ~~for this day !!!
3753 Porch siting early with my coffee, I know I post this alot of mornings , its something I love as I want to enjoy the mornings of warm sunrises ...soak it in
3754 Late evening of a little weed eating and watering flowers
3755 Sweat to help me cool down after a hot evening
3756 My husband fixing the bird feeder
3757 Having bird seed for the birds
3758 My husband coming out to say he was watching me to make sure I was ok in the heat = his love for me .
3759 Ice water
3760 Tuesday ~~for this day !!!
3761 A breeze this morning on the porch
3762 Watching the birds eat as they have missed their feeder I am sure
3763 For the words from a song~~~HIS eye is on the sparrow and I KNOW he watches me !!
3764 That Lisa came and helped me ......such a helpful person !!!
3765 My new lamps that was very reasonably priced
3766 Wednesday~~~for this day !!!
3767 Watching the birds and listening to them sing on our porch
3768 Talking to Gaye
3769 That Brookie came Thur surgery good
3770 Thursday ~~For this day !!!
3771 Bedside coffee
3772 Waking to 1 John 4 19 ~~knowing he LOVES ME!!
3773 Friday ~~for this day !!!
3774 That champions little paw is not so swollen
3775 Hearing the early morning rain
3776 That its payday
3777 Mike came and worked on our computers at work
3778 Saturday ~~for this day
3779 Start of my 3 days off
3780 That I got to go shopping
3781 Spending the day with my husband shopping
3782 Pets mart had a wrap for Champs arm
3783 New shoes
3784 Safe travels
3785 Sunday ~~for this day !!!
3786 Being with my church family
3787 That the kids had a great VBS
3788 For seven dust for my flowers
3789 For a Dog telling me when to go to bed !!!!
Father I come before you saying Thanks for all the listed above and the ones I haven't listed
A Multitude of Thanks from my heart , Thankful that I can come and list some of the many blessing's of life you give me each week ..Thanks be to GOD for he is worthy of our PRAISE !!!
Amen .................................
You had a week full of wonderful blessings!