3208 Monday ~~For this day !!!
3209 Thankful that I know the master of the sea !!! and that he can calm any storm ..............
3210 That the storms wasn't to bad
3211 For Candles when we have no electricity ~~a ham sandwich by candle light
3212 For Electricity
3213 Tuesday ~~for this day !!!
3214 Not falling asleep in early morning meeting
3215 Safe travels to the meeting and back~~~Thank you LORD !!
3216 For Dr Beeler talking about the LORD ~~that's the kind of Dr's I want to be mine !!!
3217 Wednesday ~~for this day !!!!
3218 Thankful that my husband fixed us cream of wheat
3219 That GOD is my everything .....
3220 A much needed hair cut
3221 This warm and beautiful sunny day
3222 A call from Nancy
3223 Hearing the Betty is doing better !!
3224 Thursday ~~for this day !!!
3225 Praying on my drive to work
3226 Thinking of my brother and knowing he is having the time of his life
3227 For a work board that I said a prayer over and be reminded to pray for our work daily
3228 That GOD is with me in the wilderness and that he will never leave me
3229 For Philippians 4:19 ,Ps. 3-3 Ephesians 3 17-20
3330 Finishing my bible study for tonight
3331 Finding a great black and decker rake at a great price !!
3332 Thankful for our ladies bible study ~~~filled with the Holy Spirit
3333 Friday ~~for this day !!!
3334 Morning hugs and kisses
3335 Taking out the Garbage
3336 the sign at work to remind me to pray for our job
3337 Every Step I take Thank you LORD !!!
3338 Studying our bible study ~~the wilderness
3339 Saturday ~~for this day !!!!
3340 Thankful to take my coffee outside this morning the first time this year and to sit on the porch and enjoy GOD's beautiful ~~nothing can compare to the beauty GOD gives us
3341 Thankful that I got some monkey grass trimmed and weeds pulled
3342 Thankful ~~that where there is a will there is a way ~~~
3343 My day off and its windy but beautiful
3344 Sunday ~~for this day !!!
3345 Beautiful morning to be with my church family ~~so needed
3346 For the sunshine, the warm day
3347 Roundup to help kill my weeds in the landscape
About Me

- Kay K
- United States
- First let me say that I am a born again christian and try to follow what JESUS would have me do ..I fail him daily, yet he picks me up and says try again my child !!!! knowing that he is closer to me than the air I breathe !that I am just dust designed by my Redeemer!! Remember when reading my blogs they are not wrote correct but from the heart ! I need lessons in writing correctly and making these interesting. I grew up in a small town and everyone knowing my family to come to a state with my husband that I knew almost no one I will say after 23 years its still hard ...I love to go back to KY as its where most of my family are I come from a large family of 9 me being the 9th ... Some of my interest are Genealogy , Landscaping, photography , love watching HGTV and now learning to Blog Again keep in mind all my posts are from the heart.. I love to laugh love being around good old friends and family I want enjoy each day as each day is a gift from the Master Creator !! my motto is I remain 29 forever !!!!! :)
I am glad that spring has arrived and that you were able to return to the porch and the peace of creation.