I just wanted to write a little bit about Lent this year as most of you know it started
Feb.25 and I choose something this year that has been the hardest for me I have gave up all soda's (which I drank 6 to 8 diet ones a day )and so far so good
with this choice I didn't know that every time I passed a Soda Machine, Carton of Soda or looked in my Fridge, just how much I would be reminded of the sacrifice and the Forty days that JESUS was in the wilderness praying ,each time I have just said thank you JESUS for the ultimate sacrifice you gave just for me
In years past I have given up different things but this year it truly has been a hard one and I have about 15 more days to go so for the next fifteen days I know it will be just as hard if not harder as it was this past Friday I went to Subway ordered a drink and looked at the soda machine and thought OH NO , NO water how tempting this was for me , then I looked a little closer and saw the water tab and on this day I had to look a little closer at my walk and how I can be seen as a better witness for CHRIST .. you see the drinks were all labeled bright and pretty very appealing to the eye and the water that was so pure was such a small tab not bright didn't stand out like the others ..the purest item on the drinks was almost not seen
this made me think how we as Christian should stand out and be Bright not dull or stay
I just wanted to share this experience thus far ....

( I had posted this on facebook in 2009 and wanted to share this with blogspot. )
Blessings to you all
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