1998 Monday~~For this day !!
1999 That I have lost a total of 15 pounds
2000 For Multitudes more than I could ever post this has been a great blessing for me to stop each day and look at so much so differently and know that I am thankful and blessed beyond words...........
2001 thoughtful customers that bring us sweet bread (that I cant eat but didn't want to hurt her feelings)
2002 A warmer day and the sun is shining
2003 Our family concerned for each other
2004 For the many many tears I have shed ..Tears of love for my brother ...Lord Thank you for giving him to me .......for recalling days of growing up with him ......
2005 Lisa Bringing us lunch today
2006 Stopping by to see my brother and hold his hand .....
2007 Tuesday ~~for this day !!!
2008 Bedside coffee
2009 Chuck and Champie trying to get me up :)
2010 That we didn't have a lot of snow and the roads weren't bad
2011 Prayer time as I drove to work this morning
2012 Lunch that Lisa and I had from left overs
2013 We have received our shipment from Chicago
2014 Lisa so kind to give me two drink cups with straws for my brother
2015 Stopping by to see my brother who seemed more alert PRAISE GOD
2016 Thankful that my brother told me I had cold hands
2017 For the prayer that I prayed today GOD answered it this evening while at my brothers ---PRAISE GOD and thank you for answered prayers to show me things
2018 That I got my brother to drink out of the cup
2019 That he let me wash his pretty sweet face
2020 That he tells me he loves me back ☺
2021 Studying our bible lesson for Thursday
2022 Wednesday ~~For this day !!!
2023 A good nights sleep
2024 Hot rollers
2025 Makeup !!
2026 For the very pleasant older man at the gas station he has made my day today , as he said every day is a good day when you get his age !!
2027 Praying on my way to work
2028 That they were no snow this AM
2029 Leftovers here for lunch
2030 That it didn't start snowing until this evening
2031 For watching some TV with my husband
2032 Thursday ~~~For this Day !!!
2033 Bedside coffee brought to me by my husband
2034 My husband ran the sweeper today
2035 Baked Chicken for us to have for lunch at work =Means there is food to eat = double blessed
2036 Prayer time coming to work ...
2037 Safety to work this AM
2038 Feeding the birds before I left for work
2039 Listening to the birds singing on this so cold and snowy morning ..
2040 The ladies Bible study class
2041 Studying a little for the class after getting home
2042 Safety back home -
2043 Friday ~~For this Day !!!
2044 The beautiful sunshine when its 11 degrees
2045 safely to work when there was ice on my road
2046 Tears .....as I have shed many lately .....thankful that GOD understands them
2047 The early morning ---Good morning I love you's from my husband
2048 Going to see my brother at lunch and singing or trying to sing to him
2049 A busy afternoon at work--so helpful
2050 Going and staying with my brother just me and him in the room , I sang , I told him how each one loved him, I read the bible PS 91 telling him what I was learning in bible study and trying to memorize PS 91
2051 For that two finger squeeze from my brother when I asked if I could pray to squeeze my hand
2052 My brother went to heaven around 10:30
2053 For my husband shoulder to cry on
2054 For the life my brother lived there is no doubt he is in Heaven
2055 Saturday ~~for this day !!
2056 Praying early this morning -that GOD listens,
2057 Morning Coffee
2058 For all the post that people were praying for our family this means so much
2059 Seeing my pastor in Walmart and others that I spoke with
2060 Family and Friends in KY
2061 Sunday~~for this day !!
2062 Sleeping better last night
2063 A Sunday afternoon nap
2064 Calls from loved ones
2065 For the Christian walk my brother walked
2066 For the Love between a brother and sister
Many Blessing to each one
About Me

- Kay K
- United States
- First let me say that I am a born again christian and try to follow what JESUS would have me do ..I fail him daily, yet he picks me up and says try again my child !!!! knowing that he is closer to me than the air I breathe !that I am just dust designed by my Redeemer!! Remember when reading my blogs they are not wrote correct but from the heart ! I need lessons in writing correctly and making these interesting. I grew up in a small town and everyone knowing my family to come to a state with my husband that I knew almost no one I will say after 23 years its still hard ...I love to go back to KY as its where most of my family are I come from a large family of 9 me being the 9th ... Some of my interest are Genealogy , Landscaping, photography , love watching HGTV and now learning to Blog Again keep in mind all my posts are from the heart.. I love to laugh love being around good old friends and family I want enjoy each day as each day is a gift from the Master Creator !! my motto is I remain 29 forever !!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI am glad you had some last moments with your brother that you will always cherish. I am sorry I have not kept up with this better, but I have not been on FB as often. God bless you as you mourn during this time.
Congratulations on #1999 and reaching 2000!!!!!!!
You are doing great on blessing # 1999 keep up the great work and thanks for all the left overs you shared....You have been blessed with a wonderful family and my prayers are with you all!