First let me say that I am a born again christian and try to follow what JESUS would have me do ..I fail him daily, yet he picks me up and says try again my child !!!!
knowing that he is closer to me than the air I breathe !that I am just dust designed by my Redeemer!!
Remember when reading my blogs they are not wrote correct but from the heart !
I need lessons in writing correctly and making these interesting.
I grew up in a small town and everyone knowing my family to come to a state with my husband that I knew almost no one I will say after 23 years its still hard ...I love to go back to KY as its where most of my family are
I come from a large family of 9 me being the 9th ...
Some of my interest are Genealogy , Landscaping, photography , love watching HGTV and now learning to Blog
Again keep in mind all my posts are from the heart..
I love to laugh love being around good old friends and family I want enjoy each day as each day is a gift from the Master Creator !!
my motto is I remain 29 forever !!!!! :)
3212 Monday ~~for this Day !!!
3213 After three canceled apts. I have one now for April
3124 Thankful to open the doors at work and let the warm sun
3125 Thankful that my husband had dinner almost ready when I got home
3126 That my husband had run the vacuum
3127 Tuesday ~~~for this day !!!
3128 That Jesus is closer to me than the air I breathe !!!!!
3129 For another sunny day !!!
3130 That the library got the book at home in Mitford
3131 Missy's buying us drinks from Sonic
3132 Getting to spend some time outside tonight ~~~love, love , love it
3133 Wednesday ~~~for this day !!!
3134 PRAISE GOD~~~~`my knee is feeling some better his stripes I am healed and I am claiming this ........................
3135 That GOD forgives when I mess up and not give to others ~~
3136 Coffee brought to my bedside and my husband sitting down to talk to me while I drink it
3137 A night of laying in bed talking and listening to the storm
3138 That my husband is a comfort to Champ in storms
3139 Thursday ~~~for this day !!!
3140 That I see life in all things that GOD brings back to bloom each spring
3141 For lunch time
3142 Fresh Strawberry's
3143 Thursday night ladies bible study the group is growing !!!
3144 Studying about deliverance .................learning a little at a time
3145 Friday ~~~for this day !!!
3146 Overslept but still got to work on time
3147 Coffee to go !!
3148 Lc has us a wonderful lunch
3149 Study time --My time with GOD ~~~
3150 Saturday ~~for this day ~~the gift each morning !!!
3151 Sleeping in as its my day off
3152 Study time this morning
3153 Talking with Ruth and wishing her a early happy birthday ~~to a friend that has been more than a reason, season ....even though we are miles apart she is that lifetime friend ...I truly thank GOD for this friend
3154 Talking to Betty and remembering her in prayer
3155 Listening to the rain
3156 Seeing my butterfly bushes getting a little green
3157 Thankful that I have a house that needs cleaning = I am blessed with shelter
3158 Sunday ~~for this day !!!!
3159 Prayers are being answered
3160 Talking with Betty M/ this morning on Facebook
3161 Hearing my husband fix breakfast before I get up
3162 That my husband is not a pickie eater
Hoping you have a multitude of blessings this week
( let me appologize for the fonts my computer must be messed up )
3170 Monday ~~for this day !! 3171 Early Morning talk with my bff~~JESUS 3172 That I made it to work on time 3173 That Lisa is so kind I couldn't have made it Thur the day with out her 3174 My husband met me at the car to help 3175 My bed,Ice Packs, reading in bed
3176 Tuesday ~~for this day 3177 My husband bringing me coffee to bed ~~My wake up 3178 Reading the Upper Room ~~one of my fav. verses Is 40:31 3179 Reading my daily bible study ~~Moses ~~ the land of milk and honey 3180 The rain bow I saw today ~~reminding me of God's Covenant with Noah
3181 Wednesday ~~for this day !! 3182 That God's favor and love surrounds me 3183 Motorized shopping carts= I got shopping done 3184 Kindness of many people 3185 Studying the book of Numbers 3186 Thankful that my husband knows answers to questions I have about the bible (he amazes me ) 3187 A call from Ruth ~~our much needed talk
3188 Thursday~~~for this day !! 3189 Sleeping in ~~my day off 3190 To be woke up with a good morning kiss and heres your coffee 3192 Thankful that my pain is easing up some this morning ~~THANK YOU LORD !!! 3193 Thankful that I was able to get out and pull some weeds as I am a yard lover 3194 For the flowers below in my yard
That God once loved a garden we learn in Holy writ.
And seeing gardens in the Spring I well can credit it.
~Winifred Mary Letts
If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom. ~Terri Guillemets
3196 Friday ~~~for this day !!
3197 For Lisa I could not make it without
3198 That LC didnt get upset over the joking
3199 Finshing the cant wait to get to heaven book .....this book was so funny ...however it reminded me a lot of me in many ways
3200 for this beautiful sunny day
3201 Saturday ~~for this day !!
3202 That I had some quite time this am
3203 Making it thru the day alone at work
3204 LC getting something I needed at wal mart
3205 Sunday ~~for this day !!
3206 Morning coffee
3207 A beautiful spring day
3208 That it was pretty and warm for Blake's birthday party
3209 That I got to go to Blakes birthday party ~as it would have been Dave's birthday
3210 Watching my birds from inside
3211 That I can feel the wind
LENT and giving up soda's by Glenna Marcum-Reynolds on Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 11:30am
I just wanted to write a little bit about Lent this year as most of you know it started
Feb.25 and I choose something this year that has been the hardest for me I have gave up all soda's (which I drank 6 to 8 diet ones a day )and so far so good
with this choice I didn't know that every time I passed a Soda Machine, Carton of Soda or looked in my Fridge, just how much I would be reminded of the sacrifice and the Forty days that JESUS was in the wilderness praying ,each time I have just said thank you JESUS for the ultimate sacrifice you gave just for me
In years past I have given up different things but this year it truly has been a hard one and I have about 15 more days to go so for the next fifteen days I know it will be just as hard if not harder as it was this past Friday I went to Subway ordered a drink and looked at the soda machine and thought OH NO , NO water how tempting this was for me , then I looked a little closer and saw the water tab and on this day I had to look a little closer at my walk and how I can be seen as a better witness for CHRIST .. you see the drinks were all labeled bright and pretty very appealing to the eye and the water that was so pure was such a small tab not bright didn't stand out like the others ..the purest item on the drinks was almost not seen
this made me think how we as Christian should stand out and be Bright not dull or stay
I just wanted to share this experience thus far ....
( I had posted this on facebook in 2009 and wanted to share this with blogspot. )
3125 For this day !!!
3126 For my husband fixing us lunch to take to work this am
3127 For the Picture below ~~God's beauty~~~First flowers of spring ~~
3128 For my doggie that loves putting his paw on me to get my attention ...
3129 Thankful our inventory count wasn't bad
3130 Tuesday ~~for this day !
3131 Thankful for Tylenol
3132 Hand lotion for these dry cracked hands
3133 Cora's Chicken ~~~thanks it taste yummy
3134 Afternoon with my husband , dinner at his favorite place
3135 Quiet time to study some
3136 Email from my neighbor ...Thank you Lord for using me !!!
3137 Wednesday ~~for this day !!! Ash Wednesday
3138 Thankful that I can hear the rain this early morning
3139 That I will try to give up potatoes this season of Lent
3140 Ash Wednesday services
3141 Thankful for the Crickets I heard driving home = spring is almost here
3142 Thursday ~~For this day !!!
3143 A warm doggie on my back
3144 For having a sweater at work !
3145 Words from a friend in a email
3146 Thankful for my long time friends ...and that we can stay connected Thur many ways via the www
3147 My husband fixed me Chicken noodle soup for dinner ~~Yummy on such a cold night
3148 Friday ~~~for this day !!
3149 Bible reading this early morning
3150 That we didn't get much snow
3151 The booklet I received from shoebox ministries
3152 That Cora went to Ktown instead of me !
3153 Thankful that LC new how to jump my car off (left lights on all day )
3154 Talking with Janice and John Russell about family history for my mother in law
3155 Saturday ~~for this day
3156 Sleeping in on my day off
3157 Thankful to have got the sheets changed
3158 Thankful for just resting the ole knee in bed
3159 Watching I love Lucy most of the day ~~A favorite of mine
3160 People praying for my knee
3161 My husbands cane and knee brace
3162 Reading the scripture for today
3163 For this song He is
3164 Thankful that in my storms HE IS right beside me
3165 Sunday ~~for this day !!!
3166 chatting with a Friend Thur fb this morning goes to church with my brother and I send a hug to him by her ...
3167 Lloyd called to say thanks for the hug in Church this morning
3168 My husband helped fix lunch today
3169 A day of rest
Thankful for this past week and all the many blessings
May you be blessed this week
Lunchtime today I was reading in my bible study and came across this and had to share it
A husband and wife got into a quarrel and the wife grabbed two pieces of paper and they were to write down all the faults each other had and she would write and look up and then her husband would write and this went back and forth both writing and then they exchanged papers the wife began to cry she had wrote all her husbands faults she could think of and all that was on his paper was I love you , I love you , I love you ....
Thought this was sweet of the Husbands love for his wife and how in anger we will say things we wish they had never been said
This husband was showing the wonderful example of love for his wife ..............I love you , I love you ,
I love you ,
I must remember this in times of anger .....the I love you's
My simple pleasure is scented candles I love the smells and makes our home so
warm and cozy .
Just watching the flicking flames give
me such a relaxing simple pleasure
On most evenings my husband will have
one burning when I come in and the smell
we are currently burning Hot Apple Pie
when I open the door and smell the scent
I am home .......
currently we are burning hot apple pie
my simple pleasure .............
simple but delightful
In January my brother was given a glimpse into heaven
and as he had them call me to come to see him before
he was shipped to a bigger hospital
I walked in and he looked at me as" he said
don't ever stop praying and going to church its real
I have saw it "
The lights of heaven were so bright and
the beauty I just cant tell you
JESUS was so bright I could not see his face as
the lights were so bright its just all so beautiful
ever doubt !!!
I said Buggs you know , you were like John on the isle of Patmos
and he said I ain't John wasn't on no island I am Everett Jr
but I saw what I saw and don't ever doubt it
I told him I knew it was real .
He then told of the people he saw of our family.
February 11th 2011
I stopped by his house on my way from work
as I did every evening .
I got to read some in the bible to him
and talked of what I had learned in
bible study about the little shepherd boy David and how
David had prepared his heart for GOD also told him
That I would have not wanted to have waited twenty two years
before leaving the fields as a shepherd
of course Buggs I said you know this as you have studied
for many years the bible
and I sang Jesus loves me and Buggsey
asked him if he wanted me to pray before I left and with the
squeeze of two fingers I knew he wanted me to pray
I said a little prayer and told him I would see him in the morning
I feel blessed to have got to talk pray, read the bible to him
just before he entered the gates
I just have to say thank you GOD for allowing me to
be the one to share your word with him before
he saw you .
he got the real glimpse
about a hour later
he was walking on the streets of Gold
with his saviour
to all that are reading in times of doubt
my friend
believe me
my brother saw it and said never doubt as its
REAL !!!!!
Buggs wrote this some months ago
In the beginning GOD created heaven, earth and moon
this was all apart of his great plan
Now Scientists say the universe was made
by a giant explosion
some even believe this is true
but let me tell your children my GOD
lit the fuse !!!!(EMJ)
My heart breaks but I know he is the happiest he has
ever been
he is free to dance, sing, Praise GOD
and his pain free
I know his mansion is a sight to see
he was such a humble brother
he would say this to me often when we would talk
I am not only your biological brother but your brother in Christ
I would always respond you are my 2 in 1
Of all the ‘attitudes’ we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing.” —Zig Ziglar
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein
3081 Monday ~~For this day as it is GOD given !!
3082 Reading the Upper Room .
3083 Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.(NIV)
3084 Vicky taking us to lunch !!!
3085 Pay Day !!!
3086 Thankful again to pay all utilities bills !!!
3087 Tuesday ~~~For this day !!!
3088 Much needed coffee this morning
3089 Today is Ralph birthday and Buggs first birthday in heaven (my brothers)
3090 That the sun is shinning making it a beautiful day
3091 Thank you LORD ~~~“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you?’” —William A. Ward
3092 Thank you LORD for my legs ....
3093 People who wrote songs that I love .....(Victory in JESUS ) I could go on and on as I love so many
3094 The prayer bench or that is what I call it in the woods ~~so peaceful ~~~~ for the visit and the peace I felt at this area and for the light that was shining so bright ...........
3095 For the words Believe on a stone !!!
3096 Wednesday ~~~for this day !!!
3097 For this beautiful sunshiny day !!!
3098 Missy bringing me a peach tea
3099 Foe the many blessing of this day that I have failed to list !
3100 Thursday ~~for this day !!!
3101 Having the day off
3102 My husband and I going to O.R together
3103 For GOD's hand on us as a truck almost hit us close ..I know GOD reached down his hand of safety to us
3104 My brother sending me the bible reading for Jan.-April and I am trying to get caught up to where I should be in reading the bible Thur in a year
3105 A call from Aunt Jean
3106 Our ladies bible study ~~soaking and anointing service ~
3107 Thankful that for the last 7 weeks I have more about David and his prepared heart
3108 Friday~~for this day !!!
3109 To feel and hear the wind
3110 Thankful for Subway when I didn't cook
3111 Talking with family out of state
3112 Saturday ~~for this day !!
3113 To see the grass turning a little green
3114 Seeing a weeping willow with faint green = spring will be here soon =happy me
3115 A good day at work
3116 Studying the bible
3117 Sunday~~For this day !!
3118 Waking to see snow but just on the ground
3119 Coffee to go
3120 LC and my little day trip to jewelry show
3121 A deal on sheets
3122 For our safety today
3123 That I found the book cant wait to get to heaven by Fannie Flagg great deal used $1.99
3124 LC not minding to stop and let me get my husband dinner to bring home along with the many other waits she had with me !