Where do I begin to tell the story of our perfect little Prancing Lady Dog
In 2002 she started coming up to visit my husband
as she was our neighbor several houses down dog
each day that she came my husband was delighted
he told me that I have the sweetest little dog
visiting during the day
Weeks passed and Lady as my husband called her
begin to just stay all the time
My husband talked to the man that owned
the dog and he said just keep her until she goes into heat
as he wanted to breed her
when she did my husband called and told him that he should come get her
that he did
two days latter my husband said I sure miss Lady
about ten o'clock that night
maybe 10 minutes after my husband had said that
Lady knocked at the door
yes she knocked with her food bowl
My husband goes to the door
there is Lady with a dirty nose where
she had dug out to get to my husband
The neighbor told my husband just keep
her she loves you and doesn't want
to stay here
so she is your dog
She sure became our dog
taking hold on both our hearts
with her sweet personality
all this lady ever wanted
was her belly rubbed
and she would flop over in front
of you just to get you to rub her belly
she following me on my walks ,
she helped me plant flowers,
she circled the yard before I mowed
making sure it was ok
she would prance inside just to get a treat
and right back out she wanted to go
She would lay out on the deck with me
while I sit in the sun
My husband would hold her up in his arms as
if she was in a recliner and the sweetest
thing ever she always laid her head over
on his should as if to say I love you
Lady you taught me so much about Love !!! Unconditonal Love You came to Chuck a blessing I know Lent to us from above To teach us to be kind And giving of all When I looked in those bright brown eyes my hearts melts you were so sweet and kind I treasure you your job so big and mine so small For I know nothing of forgives to some of mankind and you only in return ask for a belly rub, a pat or game of flecth , meal and water We did do this with out a problem for you touched our heart and soul my four legged friend you taught me the unconditional love as you have I know the world can be a better place If we can be forgiving and loving to all
Lady you were a beautiful dog inside and out ......................you can just see the sweetness
once dug anything, tore up anything like I said she was the Perfect
we brought her in for her to eat her food she would let the other dogs eat her food
as you can see she just wanted to be with my husband the food could wait
Lady went to sleep August 23 2013
our hearts are broke
one thing for sure she loved us so much
and we loved her just as much
Lady you gave you eleven wonderful years
of loving you
2002 -8-23-2013