Trying to count the multitude of blessings is like standing on the shore trying to count each grain of sand
Giving thanks To GOD this week for ................
6394 Monday ~~For this day !! for the freshness of the morning to start a new, Lisa buying lunch ,
working outside this evening pulling weeds and getting the landscape ready for summer thank you Lord for your beauty that surrounds me each day may I always stop , look and listen to the world you have designed ! For prayer time~
6395 Tuesday ~~For this day !!! waking up early from a good nights rest , steaming hot coffee !
6396 Wednesday~~For this day !! our store visits went well, the blessings of each breathe , for a love
that I see each day .................
6397 Thursday ~~For this day !!! that my husband is such a morning person happy to get up early like 4 am and already have his shower....for a beautiful day for our drive to Hamrick sunny and 80, for safe travels, for my husband waiting on me for three hours that I shopped, hearing my husband telling another guy "yes, I have been waiting on my wife for 3 hours" made me think of the song waiting on a woman, the best part was he didn't mind so I count it a blessing. our ladies bible study group
6398 Friday ~~For this day ~~the morning wake up that GOD has allowed me this day ,
getting off early to fix dinner for my husband
6399 Saturday ~~for this day !!! for falling back to sleep for a few mins. , even if it is cold the sunshine makes the day better
6400 Sunday ~~For this day !!! Worship service this am , for lunch with my husband at Golden Corral, then after shopping, we go to Wendy's and stop at the lake to enjoy the sunset on the water as we eat